Those who blush will die


This saying is often used. Do you know the origin of this proverb and why it was said?

This story dates back to a time when public baths were used. Wood, sawdust and other materials were burned to heat the floor and water in these baths so that the water could be heated by steam. The roofs and domes of these baths were often made of wood. One day, a fire broke out in a bath reserved for women. Most of the women were bathing there without clothes and were covered only by thick fever. During the fire, every woman who had some clothes on ran away, and a few even ran away without clothes. But those who were shy preferred to die rather than go out without clothes.

When the master of the bath returned, he asked the porter: “Has a woman died?” The gatekeeper replied: “Yes, the shy ones are dead.” The phrase has since become a proverb meaning that those who are shy die, and now only those who are neither shy nor modest remain.

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